AppStore submission error ITMS-90206 in XCode 7 with Cocoapods 0.39

Finally managed to get XCode 7 to compile your shiny project that has an extension and uses Cocopods? Managed to create and Archive and hit the wonderful Submit to AppStore button just to be hit with an ugly AppStore Submission Error ITMS-90206?

XCode AppStore Submission Error ITMS-90206

XCode AppStore Submission Error ITMS-90206

Then this is for you.

ITMS-90206 Solution

The only way I was able to get the App submission to work was to add the following little script at the end of my extension’s build phases

if [[ -d "Frameworks" ]]; then 
    rm -fr Frameworks

Your extension’s Build Phases should now look like this:

Extension Build Phases

Extension’s Build Phases Panel

Now if you do a new archive and submission to AppStore you should be greeted with a more happier message like below

AppStore Upload Successful Dialog

AppStore Upload Successful

This solution I sourced from this answer on StackOverflow. It’s the only solution that I have tried that worked in my combination of Objective-C Project, Cocoapods libraries management and having a Share Extension enabled.

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- October 26, 2015